
The mining sector which contributes to 5.6% of the GDP of Australia and employs approximately 120000 employees or approximately 2% of the total labour force. Given the large proportion of employees who work in an outdoor environment, one of the key goals of any Workplace Health and Safety Team is the management of UV exposure in an effort to prevent skin cancer.

The cornerstone of this strategy is the education of employees in both prevention and detection of skin cancer. At The Flying Skin Cancer Doctor, we have a thorough video education program deliverable online to assist employers. Now for the first time, there is an option to deliver onsite surgical management of skin cancer at the time of detection. A complete start to finish program of prevention, detection and management.

Another directive for mining companies is the investment in the local community through financial contribution to deliver projects which address educational, economic and social needs of communities and that will be sustainable in the long term.

Support for the health of the local community is achieved via the following:

• Empowering families and communities to take charge of health challenges, build resilience and integrate health and safety initiatives in the home

• Support parity between regional and metropolitan health services and amenities including targeting community health equipment and resources

• Show leadership in promoting preventative health strategies and programs that address key health issues, including mental health and family health.

The Flying Skin Cancer Doctor is in prime position to deliver this same campaign of education in prevention and detection of skin and surgical management at the time of detection. We welcome the opportunity to work with Mining companies and their local communities and in practical terms we can organise community based clinics to run in conjunction with the same clinics as run onsite at the Mining company itself.