Family Farm

The Flying Skin Cancer Doctor aims to provide comprehensive and professional skin cancer services to local communities in rural and remote areas of Australia. This includes mining communities, communities in the Northern Latitude, coastal communities, farming communities, outdoor workers, communities with a shortage of regular GP or specialist services and communities which are not conveniently located to regional health services. The Flying Skin Cancer Doctor can have a physician set up a temporary clinic either on a regular basis or as a once-off in any community multi-purpose centre, community clinic or other suitable venue. To set up his space, the doctor will need two clean and tidy well lit rooms to be made available, both with sink, running water, power, trolly, and examination table, He will also need a desk and chair to be made available. He will bring his own equipment, lap top and printer.

Appointments are able to be made without referral either online directly by the patient or manually by the hosting clinic.  Each patient will be seen in 15 minute consultations where the doctor will perform a full body examination for suspicious lesions and if anything suspicious is found, he will perform a biopsy on location either at the time, later in the day or the following day. Pathology can be taken back to Brisbane with the doctor for reporting if there is no courier service available from the location.

Funding is to be sourced from local council, Primary Healthcare Network, corporate or community funds or patients can be billed individually. If funding is provided, the patient is able to be bulk billed through medicare. If funding is not provided, patients will be privately billed.



If you think that The Flying Skin Cancer Doctor’s services are something that your community could benefit from, we would love to hear from you. No town is too big or small, our specialist is passionate about helping communities gain better access to specialist health care and skin cancer services.